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The Temple of Ikov

Interest in the forgotten secrets of an ancient time has been steadily growing in certain circles. Rumors of powerful objects abound and the race is on between those to whom possession of such an artifact could shake the world's foundations and those who would seek to preserve that balance. Which side will you choose?

Note: you can still get the Boots of Lightness without needing the requirements listed below. All that is required is a lightsource (candle, lantern etc.) that is LIT and a slashing implement. You will (of course) still need to be able to survive the Giant bats (level 27) and Giant spiders (level 2).

Requirements / Recommendations


  • 40 Ranged
  • 40+ Defense (Suggested for Green Dragonhide armour)
  • 42 Thieving.
  • 37 Prayer (Protect from Magic) Recommended


  • None!


  • Either a lit Candle (use a Tinderbox on a candle to light it) or any viable light-source that is in a working condition.
  • A common kitchen Knife or other sharp slashing weapon.
  • A Yew, Magic, or Dark bow.
  • 20 Limpwurt Roots.
  • Some food may be required
  • Some armour may be required at certain stages
  • 15-50 Ice Arrows (depending on your Range level) (acquired during quest)
  • Lever (acquired during quest)
  • Shiny Key (acquired during quest)
  • Teleport or travel methods for Varrock or Edgeville (Suggested)
  • Teleport method for Ardougne (Suggested)

Monsters/Enemies/NPCs you will encounter:

  • Lucien (level 14)
  • Giant bat (level 27)
  • Giant spider (level 2)
  • Skeleton (levels 25-45)
  • Scorpion (level 14)
  • Ice spider (level 61)
  • Fire Warrior of Lesarkus (level is dependant on your own level)
  • Winelda (a friendly witch, no combat)
  • Lesser demon (level 82)
  • Guardian of Armadyl (level 45)

Getting Started

If you've never done this quest before it is strongly suggested that you read through this entire guide before you start.

Boots of Lightness

As most players will likely be arriving from having used a Camelot Teleport we're going to start with obtaining the Boots of Lightness. This step could also be done after speaking with Lucien.

Things you will need for this section:

  • A lit candle or other light source (Candles can be purchased from the candle-maker just west of Catherby. Simply use a Tinderbox on it to light it.)
  • A sharp slashing/cutting tool such as a kitchen knife or sword
  • Suggested: for those with low combat levels you might want to also bring some food and armour for this stage.

If you have previously obtained the Boots of Lightness you can skip ahead to the next section…

Just south east of the Ranging Guild and east of the Fishing Guild [See Red Circle in map below] you will find what appears to be an abandoned temple with a ladder descending to the depths below. Make sure your light source is actively lit and descend the ladder.


Once you are in the dungeon below you will be subject to attack by Giant bats (level27). Run directly to the west as far as is possible and follow the bend to the left (south). Here you will find stairs leading east into darkness below.

Note: your light source must be LIT to continue below safely!


Descend the steps and proceed to the northeastern corner of the room below past the Giant spiders (level 2). There you will find a room with the entrance blocked by spider's webs. Within this room you will see a pair of boots. Use your slashing weapon of choice to slice through the webs (this may take several attempts depending on your weapon and skill). Enter the room and grab the Boots of Lightness.

Make your way to the north western area of East Ardougne by any means convenient to you. You should probably equip your Boots of Lightness as you will soon be needing them.

Finding Lucien

Just north of the Ardougne Castle you will find The Flying Horse Inn, a quaint establishment serving beer. [See the Green Circle on the map above] You may remember this place (though the memory may be slightly hazy) from Alfred Grimhand's Bar Crawl if you've already completed this part of that miniquest.

Be sure you have at least one empty slot in your inventory before entering!

Oddly enough, entering the Inn can be a bit confusing at first.
Open the door, enter, then close the door behind you to be able to move around within.

Inside you will find Lucien. You will need to talk to them.

Lucien will prompt you and you should choose to reply with the following:

Lucien: “I seek a hero to go on an important mission!”
Player: “I'm a mighty hero!”
Lucien: “I require the Staff of Armadyl. It is in the deserted Temple of Ikov, near Hemenster, north east of here. Take care hero! There is a dangerous monster somewhere in the temple!”

Here you can also ask the questions such as “What's the reward”, or “Why can't you get it yourself” but to proceed you really need to respond with:

Player: “That sounds like a laugh!”
Lucien: “It's not as easy as it sounds. The monster can only be killed with a weapon of ice. There are many other dangers.”
Player: “I'm up for it!”
Lucien: “Take this pendant. Without it you will not be enter the Chamber of Fear. I cannot stay here much longer. I will be west of the Grand Exchange in Varrock. I have a small holding up there.”

By the end of this you should have a Pendant of Lucien in your inventory.

At this point it might be a good idea to visit a convenient bank (There's one just to the east across the log, or if you have a charged Skills Necklace you could teleport to the Fishing Guild (68 Fishing required for entrance) and use its bank, or use a Camelot Teleport (45 Magic required plus 5 air runes and 1 law rune), or, if on Lunars spell book, Catherby Teleport (87 Magic required plus 3 astral runes,3 law runes, and 10 water runes).)

At the bank it is IMPORTANT that you bring your TOTAL WEIGHT down to 0 kg! You will likely discover this is only possible with the Boots of Lightness equipped. You will also need to be wearing the Pendant of Lucien. You may also need some food.

Getting the Lever

Things you will need for this section:

  • Boots of Lightness (equipped)
  • Pendant of Lucien (equipped)
  • Food
  • Armour (if you can find anything light enough)
  • Total max weight of 0 kg.

Once more make your way to the temple entrance where you found the Boots of Lightness and descend the ladder. Head west and then open the gate to the north. Proceeding into this room you will see a bridge stretching over a stream of lava.

If your total weight is not 0 kg you will fall into this lava when you attempt to cross!

Once you are across the bridge, open the door and enter the room you will find there. In the southwestern corner of this room you will find a lever lying on the ground. Grab this, exit the room and cross back over the bridge. Proceed south back through the gate and immediately turn east to enter the room with the ladder you used to enter the dungeon.

At this point you should probably exit the dungeon and return to any convenient bank. You will no longer be worried about your weight for this next section.

Prepping for a Future Fight

Things you will need for this section:

  • Pendant of Lucien (equipped)
  • Food
  • Mele or Ranging Armour
  • A strung bow (Yew or Magic)
  • Lever (recovered earlier)

Once more make your way to the temple entrance where you found the Boots of Lightness and descend the ladder. On the southwestern wall in this room you will find a Lever bracket. Read the following before continuing.

[Note: The following steps need to be done quickly as the lever seems to only exist and be usable within the bracket for a short period of time once it has been placed. If it vanishes you will have to retrieve it again using the steps above. This will also happen if you log out.]

Use the Lever on the Lever Bracket
Pull the Lever
Proceed west, open the southern gate and proceed first south and then east.

The path will take you into an icy corridor infested with Ice Spiders (Level 61).
Take the path north and follow it as it ventures to the northeast.
When the path begins to head directly east you will pass other, shorter paths leading to chests to the north and south.
Open and Search these chests to randomly recover Ice Arrows.
Following the path will eventually take you south where more shorter paths will lead to similar chests to both your east and west.

According to the code for this section (per 25 March 2024): “1/6 of the chests are randomly chosen to have 1-5 ice arrows, and it REMEMBERS…So clicking on the same one doesn't randomize it. Good luck…“

You will need to recover sufficient Ice Arrows. It is advised to gather:

  • If Ranged 40-50 gather at least 30, though 40 might serve you better
  • If Ranged 50+ possibly as few as 15

As you may infer from the above this can take awhile. Be sure to bring armour and food as needed to deal with the attacks from Ice Spiders as needed.

Once you have a decent number of Ice Arrows click them to place them in your quiver for later use.

Proceed back the way you came and exit the gate.
At this point you will likely need to visit a convenient bank once more to collect 20 un-noted Limpwurt roots.

This, by default, means you will only have 8 optional spaces within your inventory.

Note: This guide is not taking into account the possible use of a Beast of Burden summoning familiar here which may be used to increase your carrying capacity. This could be used to bypass the need of banking here.

Be sure to plan your inventory carefully.

Time for some fighting

If you went to the bank, once more make your way to the temple entrance where you found the Boots of Lightness and descend the ladder.

If you didn't and have everything you need:

Head back through the northern gate that you earlier used to get the Lever. This time, instead of crossing the bridge, proceed to the north east until you see a lever on the wall.


Pull the Lever and head to the west where you will find a door on a wall to the north. Enter into the next room which also has door to the north.

Make sure you are now weilding your Bow (Yew or Magic) and have your Ice Arrows in your quiver before attempting to open this next door!

Upon attempting to open the door you will be challenged by the Fire Warrior of Lesarkus whose level is dependant on your level.

Their attacks will be magic-based, meaning your using Protect from Magic prayer (requires a Prayer level of 37) will be helpful in this fight.

Range them with your Ice Arrows. Nothing else will damage them and you only have a SHORT TIME TO KILL THEM! (240 ticks to kill them per the code.)

Once you have killed the Fire Warrior of Lesarkus open the door to proceed north and then east. Here you will find your path blocked by lava.

A nearby friendly witch, Winelda (whose manner of speaking sounds suspiciously like “Gollum” from J.R.R. Tolkien's books), will offer to teleport you across the lava at a cost of 20 Limpwurt Roots after you have spoken to her. Give her what she asks to proceed.

Follow the path westward past the skeletons and past the wall to the north. Now run past the Lesser demons (level 82) to the south to the end of the path. Here you will find a Shiny Key. Pick this up.

Now run back north past the Lesser demons and into the area where the skeletons and wall are. Push against the wall to gain access to the room beyond. Here you will find numerous Guardians of Armadyl (level 45) and it is time to make a choice:

Will you side with the Guardians of Armadyl or Lucien?

Either way you will still eventually be able to obtain an Armadyl Pendant…though siding with Lucien means more combat to get it later!

Armadyl Pendant and Notes
Gives protection from Armadylean faction (Note: Not the bosses!) in God Wars Dungeon
Can also be received as a drop by killing Guardians of Armadyl AFTER THIS QUEST IS COMPLETED
Must be wearing a pendant of Lucien to re-enter the Guardians' room to recover it if lost!

Choosing: The Guardians of Armadyl's Side:

Unequip (take off) your Pendant of Lucien and speak with any Guardian in the room. Your conversation arc should include the following choices:

“I seek the Staff of Armadyl.”
“Lucien will give me a grand reward for it!”
“You're right, it's time for my yearly bath.”
“Ok! I'll help!”

The Guardian will give you an Armadyl Pendant and instruct you on your next steps. Leave the room by the door you entered to the south, now climb the ladder just down the path to your east. You will find yourself in a building in the north of McGrubor's Wood. Use your key on the door to exit the room. Seers' Village will be to your southeast.

To reach Lucien you can either teleport to Varrock (25 Magic required and 1 fire rune, 3 air runes and 1 law rune -or- teletab -or- charged Ring of Wealth) or Edgeville (if you are carrying a Dramen Staff enter McGrubor's Wood and use the Fairy Ring in the north western area and dial to DKR -or- use a charged Amulet of Glory -or- if on Ancient spellbook use Home Teleport) or use any means you may find convenient. 1)

Either way you choose the following map shows your goal which is a little house [See the Yellow Circle on the map below] that can only be entered from the north.


Be sure to be wearing the Armadyl Pendant before entering the house and attacking Lucien who will be waiting inside. Once he is defeated your Quest will be complete.

Choosing: Luciens' Side:

Choosing this side means you will have to fight the Guardians again LATER if you want an Armadyl Pendant!

Attempt to take the Staff of Armadyl from the room in the northwestern corner of the Guardians' area.
You will be attacked by any Guardians in the room.


(To do so, you will need to return to this room and fight them again after this quest is complete!)

Once you have defeated them, secure the staff and exit the Guardian room to the south. Now climb the ladder just down the path to your east.
You will find yourself in a building in the north of McGrubor's Wood. Use your key on the door to exit the room. Seers' Village will be to your southeast.

To reach Lucien you can either teleport to Varrock (25 Magic required and 1 fire rune, 3 air runes and 1 law rune -or- teletab -or- charged Ring of Wealth) or Edgeville (if you are carrying a Dramen Staff enter McGrubor's Wood and use the Fairy Ring in the north western area and dial to DKR -or- use a charged Amulet of Glory -or- if on Ancient spellbook use Home Teleport) or use any means you may find convenient. 2)

Either way you choose, the map above shows your goal which is a little house [See the Yellow Circle on the map above] that can only be entered from the north.

Enter the house and speak with Lucien to claim your reward and complete the quest.

Congratulations! Quest Complete!



  • 1 Quest Point
  • 10,500 Ranged XP (on 1x)
  • 8,000 Fletching XP (on 1x)
  • Boots of Lightness (decreases your total weight by 4kg)
  • Ability to enter the Temple of Ikov while wearing Lucien's Pendant.

Returning to obtain or replace an Armadyl Pendant

Make sure you have the Shiny Key in your inventory and return to the shed north of McGrubors Wood. Open the door and descend the ladder to be able to enter the Guardian's lair. If you are wearing the Pendant of Lucien or sided with him you will need to fight Guradians until one drops an Armadyl Pendant. If you sided with the Guardians in this quest be sure NOT to be wearing a Pendant of Lucien and speak with them to re-obtain the Armadyl Pendant.


* Zencro - 7 April 2024

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1) , 2)
Note: There are numerous other ways to get to Lucien's hideout such as Home teleport to Lumbridge, grab an axe and use a canoe to Edgeville and several more less convenient methods.
quest_guides/temple_of_ikov.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/17 11:37 by szumaster