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H____A__X Optimal Quest Guide for 5x

In this section I want to list out my optimal quest guide that you may or may not want to follow. Having quested 3 accounts to quest cape I found that there wasnt really a good guideline on which quests to do when, or how to string some quest along together to waste less time. I'll be working on this guide and hopefully can help out some players.

Starting Fresh or Have a main? Ironman?

Obviously the route changes if you have supplies already and can just purchase items in advanced. However if you are starting fresh or are an Ironman, I'll try to keep the guide as self sufficient as possible. The only exception is where I mention Tele tabs or Games Necklaces/ Dueling rings. I will assume you will have to walk if you do not have access to them.

Items you can purchase ahead of time to save you time:

Trade over to your fresh account the following items:

  • 10 Games necklaces (8)
  • 10 Ring of dueling (8)
  • Tele Tabs, specifically house tabs where you can use your Main's or another players POH portals and glory
  • 4 Beads for Imp Catcher
  • 2 Pots of Flour (more if you are making your own Redberry pie)
  • Egg - Can be picked up in Lumby Chicken Farm
  • 4 Buckets of Milk (can always obtain this yourself
  • Iron Chainbody - can be purcahsed in Falador
  • Bronze Medium Helm - can be picked up in Dranor Manor when doing Ernst the Chicken
  • Cabbage - Can be picked up in Lumby basement (needed for Black Knights Fortress
  • 6 Clay (not soft) and 1 soft clay
  • 4 Copper
  • 2 Iron Ore
  • 3 Goblin Mails
  • Orange Dye (yellow and red dye ( 2 onions, red berries)
  • Blue Dye ( 2 Woad leaves from Wyson in Falador Park)
  • Yellow Dye ( 2 onions)
  • Redberry Pie - Can be purchased in cooks guild (32 cooking)
  • 2 Iron Bars (15 smithing required, no bar spawns for you to pick up)
  • Spade - Picked up when doing Ernst the Chicken
  • Cadava Berries
  • 3 Balls of wool - can obtain yourself when you do sheep shearer
  • 2 Buckets of Water
  • 4x Bronze Bar (1 for Prince Ali and 3 for Creature of Fenkenstein
  • Rope - Can be obtained with 4 balls of wool from Ned ( get extra wool from sheep shearer)
  • 4x coal - Elemental Workshop
  • Snape Grass - Plague City
  • Chocolate Dust - Plague City

Phase 1: Your ass got dumped in Lumby, what now?

So you just skipped the tutorial to jump right into 09, what will you do, how will you navigate? Hopefully this section helps a little.

In Lumby

Purchase shears, 3 buckets, and pots for pots of flour (4-7) from the general store.

  • Do Cooks assistant, Grab an egg from the chicken farm, also, consider killing 25 chickens for their bones which you will need for demon slayer. This will also get you valuable HP levels that will be helpful when doing the waterfall quest. Milk a cow (Milk 3 times, Cooks Assistant, Plague City, Gertude's cat), Kill 2 cows, take 2 meat and one cowhide for later (Meat for witches potion and Drudic ritual and cowhide for hard leather for animal Magnetism. Get at least 2 pot of flour at the windmill if you are doing things yourself (2 empty pots, pick 2 wheat and process them at the windmill north of Lumby. Consider getting a few more to make red berry pies for Knights sword if you are doing things yourself. RNG can be bad and you can burn the pies so probably 7+ is good.
  • Do Sheep Shearer, buy shears at the general store. Shear 3 extra sheep for 3 balls of wool for Prince Ali Rescue and consider shearing 4 more for 4 balls of wool to turn into rope if you did not transfer over/ buy. That is 27 Sheep sheared. Get to Shearing bois.
  • While in Lumby go to the top of the castle and burn some logs and get ashes. You also need 6 logs for Tree gnome village, consider grabbing those now or cut them later.
  • Start Restless Ghost and Rune Mysteries
  • While here, it would be a good time to do your daily tasks specifically from the Lumby WC tutor (don’t fuck with the others). This will give you enough cash to purchase most of what you need.
  • Begin traveling west towards Draynor and head to Wizards Tower.

To Wizards Tower

  • Once at Wizards Tower, talk to the wizard for Rune mysteries and pick up the skull for Restless Ghost. Hand in the beads for Imp catcher. This is a good opportunity to start Pirates Treasure and go to Karamja and complete the Karamja portion of Pirates treasure, as well as kill imps by the volcano for the beads. Either way, complete the Karamja portion of Pirates treasure now so that you receive the key to get the map in the Bar in Varrock.

To Varrock

  • Use tele tab to varrock or walk, talk to Rune shop for rune mysteries. ( you may choose to start and finish shield of arrav now or whenever you can get a partner) Buy a pink skirt at the clothing shop for prince ali rescue, Purchase 3 beers at the bar, upstairs in that bar open the chest for Pirates Treasure to get the map. Start Demon slayer. Get the first key from the sewers (a bucket spawns on the 2nd level above the kitchen in Varrock Castle) Carefully pick Cadava berries and red berries (Pick 4 red to be safe) (You will need to make a redberry pie, dyes and skin paste for quests) south of Varrock, but beware of the dark wizards, approach from the east to be safe.

To Al Kharid

  • Use dueling ring to tele to al kharid or Walk if you are coming from the redberries/cadava berries. Purchase needle, Thread, all the moulds from the shop, Bank these for later. Start Prince Ali rescue and talk to Osman. Tan that cowhide into hard leather for Animal Magnetism later. Home Tele and make your way back to Draynor Village.

Back to Draynor

  • Once at draynor, you want to briefly visit wizards tower to finish rune mysteries and turn in the 25 bones and get the 2nd key for Demon slayer. Perform the rest of the tasks for Prince Ali Rescue that you need in Draynor.(Ned will make a rope for you if you have the balls of wool) If you need to make dyes from scratch and were unable to buy them, remember you need a blue, yellow, and orange dye (Yellow and Red) so you may need to have the witch make you a few dyes which require onions, more redberries, Woad leaves from Wyson in Falador, onions in rimmington on your way to Witches potion etc. Before Leaving Draynor, Start Vampire Slayer, grab a garlic in the cupboard grab a cheese (preferably 2) from Aggies house (for witches house).

**On the Way to Rimmington/Port Sarim**

  • Now we are making our way to Rimmington to complete witches potion. On your way you should buy a sardine at the fishing shop in Port Sarim (for gertrudes cat), Eye of newt from the magic shop (for witches potion), mine 4 clay for dorics quest and 2 copper in the rimmington mine. Iron you will need 15 mining, or buy it from other players, no shop sells it or spawns exist in 09scape.

Witches Potion

  • Complete witches potion quest ( you should have meat from killing cows in Lumby in the beginning (if you F'd up, the closest cow pen is south of Fally. Rat tail can be had right by the witch, and an onion can be picked north of the POH portal in rimmington. You cook the meat twice on the range north of the witch to burn it.

At this point you should have a majority of the F2p Quests completed, some starter GP from quests and a good foundation for Phase 2

Phase 2: You think you're some shit now because you quested, time to beef up

At this point we knocked out most of the lower level quests and are ready for some combat boosting stuff. You will want to dump any remaining GP into a staff of fire, air and mind runes to cast fire strike. We will be doing some quests that require you to safespot them with magic. Remember if you are short on GP you can get your 10k from Stronghold of Security, mine some ess to sell on the GE, pick flax/spin bow strings. What you ever need to do to get the bag and make that bread.

Waterfall Quest

  • Hopefully by now you have a few HP levels from killing chickens, cows, rats etc. You can get 1 banged during this quest if you are below I believe 14 HP
  • During the quest you will travel to Tree gnome village and traverse through the maze, make sure you enter the village and speak to the king to begin the quest which allows for fast travel through the maze in the future.
  • Additionally, while you are there, begin Dwarf cannon quest and complete all of the parts up until where you need to go to Falador.

Tree Gnome Village

  • With Waterfall quest done you are now 45 attack and str. Main focus should be completing Tree gnome village, the steps should have you traveling back to the Battlefield and talk to the gnome trackers, ultimately you will need to fire strike the General (hit and run, or abuse aggro limits). This quest will net you Spirit tree traveling which is useful to get to the GE, Ardy, and Grand Tree. Your attack level will be above 50 for sure.

Cleaning up activities in Falador

  • I like to visit Falador at this point, turn in the ores for Dorics quest (ironman will wait until after plague city for this), complete goblin diplomacy ( with your 45 attack and str killing goblins will be a breeze to get 3 goblin mails. Complete Pirates Treasure. Talk to the dwarf for Dwarf cannon and make my way to the Witches house quest. Somewhere you need to obtain a snape grass for Plague City, this is probably a good time to do so behind the crafting guild.

The Grand Tree

  • With Tree Gnome village completed you have access to the spirit trees, I find this a good opportunity to travel to the Grand tree and bang out 25 agility for the grand tree. You can do this later but We're on a roll now. Also, buy Chocolate bar/dust from the shop in the grand tree
  • Complete The grand tree. If you have the runes you can complete this quest now. You need to be able to fire strike the Black demon. The attack exp should bring you near 60 attack

Fight Arena

  • Complete Fight arena - again, mage the bosses. If runes are an issue, I would consider looking for a shooting star to get your 50k to buy more runes. If you havent already. Completing this quest will get you over 60 attack, enough to wield a dragon scimitar, as well as have all the quest requirements to wield it. You skipped straight from Bronze to dragon.

Plague City/Return for Dwarf Cannon

  • Complete Plague City - This will get you enough mining to mine the iron for Dorics quest if you didn’t complete that yet, as well as high enough mining to mine the blurite for Knights sword.
  • Also a better time than most to finish Dwarf cannon since you are relatively in the area.

Phase 3: Quest you can complete right now

  • Black Knights Fortress - Easy quest - only really needed for quest points. Should have everything you need for it.
  • Vampire slayer - You can literally box this MF now that you have beefed up.
  • Ernst the Chicken - Good to pair up with Vamp slayer now that you are beefed up and need to go to the Manor anyway. Make sure you pick up a bronze med helm and spade when you do decide to do this quest. Its needed for Animal Magnetism. (avas equipment for ranging)
  • Knights Sword - You should have everything you need to do this quest
  • Dragon Slayer - Can do this whenever you feel like it, your stats should be more than enough
  • Gertudes Cat - Should have everything you need to finish this quest for cooking exp to help you cook the redberry pie if needed.
  • Death Plateu - Easy quest
  • Troll Stronghold - Easy 2 exp lamps that will give you 50k exp each at 5x, so 100k exp to skills above 30. OP
  • Enter the Abyss - Will get you instantly to level 21 RC, Fuck those air runes
  • Elemental Workshop - Assuming you did sheep shearer, Dwarf Cannon and Knights sword you should be able to do this quest or be very close. Will boost your smithing and crafting even higher
  • Priest in Peril - Another good direction to go in as it opens up Morytania and everything it offers there

More to come but the general guidelines can be helpful

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user_guides/hax_quests.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/17 17:51 by szumaster