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Implemented Content and the Prerequisite System

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Below is a currently incomplete list of implemented content which does not have a quest that would normally be associated with it implemented. In such cases, the content generally requires all pre-requisites from that quest in order to use. Missing requirements can be checked by clicking unimplemented quests in the quest journal in-game.

Content locked behind unimplemented quests Quest name Description
Ancient magicks Desert Treasure The shortcut to the altar room at the desert pyramid is usable, simply go in and pray at the altar. Ancient magicks can only be autocast by the Ancient staff available from killing the mummies there or in the Chaos Tunnels, or Zuriel's staff.
Armored Zombies Defender of Varrock You can use the trapdoor located by the Chaos Altar in south-east wilderness.
Cave horrors Cabin Fever Take a charter ship to Mos'le'Harmless, and enter the cave east of town requires a light source and witchwood icon as usual.
Corporeal Beast Summer's End The Corporeal Beast cave can be teleported to with a Games necklace without any requirements, however entering the Beast's room requires these prereqs.
Culinoromancer's chest items Recipe for Disaster Unlock tiers based on current Quest points up to Black gloves-tier currently, at 90+ QP. Barrows gloves however are always available to buy and requires full Recipe for Disaster prereqs to equip.
Dark beasts Mournings End Part 1 Enter West Ardougne and go down the trapdoor in the Mourner HQ in the northeast part of town.
Darklight Shadow of the Storm Simply use a bottle of black ink obtained by picking the black mushrooms at the ruins at Uzer and using a pestle and mortar to create a vial of black ink on Silverlight.
Death and Blood runecrafting Mournings End Part 2, Legacy of Seergaze Currently, these altars are only accessible via rifts in the Abyss, which require these respective quest prereqs in order to enter. The Meiyerditch labs are also available by leaving the Blood altar, leading to Mutated bloodvelds etc. Drakan's medallion is not available.
Dragon scimitar Monkey Madness Teleport to Ape Atoll does not require any Recipe for Disaster prereqs, just 64 Magic and trade Daga in the house near the teleport spot does not require a Monkeyspeak amulet. Most other features of Ape Atoll are not implemented.
Ectophial Ghosts Ahoy Speak to Velorina in Port Phasmatys.
Fairy Rings Fairy Tale Part 1 Complete Lost City and use any ring with a Dramen Staff equipped. As these are normally unlocked partway into Fairy Tale Part 2, no requisites from that quest specifically are required.
God books Horror from the Deep Talk to Jossik at the Lighthouse. Lighthouse dungeon is not available.
Helm of Neitiznot The Fremennik Isles Talk to the Burgher on Neitiznot, with 50k
Heroes Guild and recharging dragonstone jewelry Heroes Quest The Dragon mace and battleaxe are available to buy. The basement contains the usual things a blue dragon, two runite rocks, and the Fountain of Heroes to recharge dragonstone jewelry. Note that currently, the Combat bracelet and Skills necklace, which are normally recharged at the Legends Guild totem, are recharged in the fountain as well. However, these two specifically also require the prerequisites for Legends Quest to charge.
Initiate and Proselyte armor Recruitment Drive and Slug Menace Talk to Sir Tiffy Cashien in Falador park.
Isafdar and Lletya Regicide, Mournings End Part 1 Currently, you can only reach the Elven lands via charter ship to Port Tyras no requirements. To open the halberd shop or wield a Dragon halberd, Regicide prereqs are needed. To enter Lletya or use an elf teleport crystal, Mournings End Part 1 prereqs are needed.
Keldagrim, Blast Furnace, and minecart system The Giant Dwarf Speak to the dwarven boatman in the cave east of Rellekka to be taken to Keldagrim. After visiting, you can also use the minecarts to go to/from Keldagrim to the GE, dwarven mine, or under White Wolf mountain. The Blast Furnace in Keldagrim is also operational.
Legends Guild Legend's Quest As mentioned in the Heroes Quest section, Combat bracelets and Skills necklaces are recharged there, not at the Legends guild. There's not that much of note here besides the shop to buy shield right halves, legends capes, and mithril seeds.
Long and curved bones Lost Tribeplugin-autotooltip__default plugin-autotooltip_bigStart Point

Lumbridge Castle - 1nd floor. (the same room with Duke Horacio)

Requirements Quests

* Goblin Diplomacy * Rune Mysteries


* Candle, Oil latern (filled), torch, or bulls-eye latern (filled) with the ability to light that item! * Tinderbox (for lighting if not already lit)
Dorgesh-Kaan is not implemented. However, the NPC you trade long and curved bones to for construction xp is relocated to the mine in Lumbridge basement, near the weapon shop NPC.
Lunar magics and Lunar Isle Lunar Diplomacy To access the isle initially, speak to Lokar Searunner on the Rellekka dock, then to Captain Bentley at the Pirate's cove. To be able to use services on Lunar Isle, you require a Seal of Passage, obtainable from Chieftain Brundt any time after finishing The Fremmennik Trials and having Lunar Diplomacy prereqs.
Magic secateurs Fairy Tale Part 1 Give secateurs + 40k to Nature spirit in his grotto. Magic secateurs currently only work while in inventory, not wielded.
Monkfish Swan Song Enter the Piscatoris tunnel like you normally would after the quest. Arnold is available for banking. Some limited other features of the colony are present.
Piety and Chivalry King's Ransom Self-explanatory.
Shilo Village and Duradel Shilo Village Simply take the cart at Brimhaven. Most of the usual features of the village are there the gem rocks, Duradel, the general store, furnace, fishing spots + store.
Sophanem and Pyramid Plunder Ichtlarin's Little Helper, Contact! Take the carpet these also have their associated quest requirements and enter the gate as usual. To access the bank at Sophanem located down a trapdoor in the northeast part of town, Contact! prereqs are also required.
Sumona and the slayer point reward shop Smoking Kills All the slayer point rewards are available, however blocked tasks are currently pretty limited due to their availability being deteremined by quest points one block slot per 50 QP.
Tormented Demons While Guthix Sleeps To make a Sapphire lantern currently, use a Sapphire with a Bullseye lantern frame, then take the usual steps to add lamp oil. To access the ancient temple, use a sapphire lantern on the wandering light spirits near the Tears of Guthix via Lumbridge Swamp cave, then follow the path all the way. An NPC is present before the tormented demon area who can sell Darklight and Holy water.
Trollheim teleport and herb patch Eadgar's Ruse, My Arm's Big Adventure The disease-free herb patch is located on the rooftop accessed via ladder near the Troll generals inside.
Watchtower teleport Watchtower Self-explanatory.
  • Oo'glog is visitable, but the spas are not functional. The feature of note is Chargur's meat shop, which sells raw bird meat and raw rabbits for summoning, among other things. The bank there also works.
  • Wallsafes in the Burthorpe Rogue's Den are avaiable any time with 50+ Thieving, even though the minigame itself is currently not.
  • Fist of Guthix tokens can be purchased for 1k each from the minigame's store most easily accessed by ring of duelling. Most rewards the gloves and some of the armor work.
  • A Fighter torso is purchasable for 7.5m from an NPC at Barbarian Assault. Shoutout to Ryan.

Created by Kirayaba.

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Below is a list of the quest currently implemented in 2009Scape.

* Prerequisite system



* Bork * Dagannoth Kings * Tormented Demons * God Wars Dungeon * Wilderness Revenants * Kalphite Queen * King Black Dragon * Chaos Elemental * Corporeal Beast * Giant Mole



* Falador Diary * Fremennik Diary * Karamja Diary * Lumbridge Diary * Seers' Village Diary * Varrock Diary

Dungeons (Special)


* Stronghold of Play…

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Below is a list of the quest currently implemented in 2009Scape.

* Implemented Content and the Prerequisite System * Quest Experience by Skill

Free to play


* Black Knights' Fortress * Cook's Assistant * Demon Slayer * Doric's Quest * Dragon Slayer * Ernest the Chicken * Goblin Diplomacy * Imp Catcher * The Knight's Sword * Pirate's Treasure * Prince Ali Rescue * The Restless Ghost * Romeo & Juliet * Rune Mysteries * Sheep Shearer * Shield of Ar…

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Happy HalloweenThis is a community wiki written and maintained by the community. Please help expand the wiki, especially if you can help document the differences between 2009scape and RuneScape as it was in January 2009. We are seeking original and new 2009scape content, please don't copy paste irrelevant OSRS/RS3 content.

quest_guides/prerequisite_system.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/17 17:55 by szumaster