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Start Point

Church south-east of Lumbridge Castle.


  • The ability to defeat a level 13 skeleton.


  • Difficulty: Beginner.
  • Length: Short.

Getting Started

1. Talk to Father Aereck:

2. Select the dialog lines according to the following image:

3. According to the information received, you must go to Father Urhney:

(The meeting place is marked on the map with a green rectangle below)

4. if you have reached this point, talk to him:

5. After the conversation you should receive an amulet:

6. Back to the graveyard in Lumbridge, wear the amulet and talk to ghost:

He will tell you he is missing his skull and wants you to get it for him, also tell you where to look for it:

7. Run to the place where the skull is located:

(The place is marked on the map with a green square below)

8. After entering the tower go downstairs:

9. Find the room with the altar, then take the lying skull from it:

10. After taking the skull, a skeleton will appear, you can escape the tower or optionally fight with him:

(If you chose the second option and died and the skull remained in the inventory, you will be closer to the cemetery)

11. Run back to the cemetery and talk to the ghost:

(He'll Thank you and want you to put the previously claimed Skull in his coffin, so we do)

12. Once this is done, the ghost can leave peacefully and you receive information about the completion of the task:

quest_guides/the_restless_ghost.1659450630.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/02 14:30 by szumaster