;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fairy_ring_logo.png?460}} ====== Fairy Rings ====== **Note: access to the fairy ring network requires the completion of both the //Lost City// and //Nature Spirit// quests.** //Scattered around the world of 2009scape are a collection of odd looking rings that hold a secret. By standing on them while holding a **dramen staff** or **lunar staff** a player can access the network of teleports linking these rings together! The first teleport is to the nexus location in the lost city of Zanaris. From there one is given access to an encoded dialing device with 3 wheels. Dialing a fairy rings' code and pressing the "**Teleport to this location**" button will take you to that destination.// //Where will **you** go today?// ^ A typical Fairy Ring ^ The Fairy Ring Interface ^ | {{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr-example.png?200x200}} | {{misc_guides:fairy_rings:frinterface.png?400x200}} | //Note: It is best to roll the dials **counter clockwise**! Sometimes, if rolling clockwise, the dials will advance 2 letters instead of one which can be frustrating. This is authentic to how this system operated back in 2009.// Note: Fairy ring locations may also be found on the [[https://zencro2009.github.io|World Transport Map]]. ===== Usage ===== To start using **fairy teleportation ring**, you need to complete following quests: * [[quest_guides:lost_city| Lost City]] * [[quest_guides:nature_spirit| Nature Spirit]] When the quests that are required to use the fairy ring and which do not currently exist are introduced. You will have to complete them to be able to use fairy again. ===== Rings ===== ^Combination^Travel log^Points of interest^Location on map^^ | **A I Q** |Mudskipper point | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_aiq.png?200x200 }} | | **A I R** |Necromancer Island | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_air.png?200x200 }} | | **A J Q** |Dungeons: Cave south of Dorgesh-Kaan| |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_ajq.png?200x200 }} | | **A J R** | Kandarin: Slayer cave | Golden Rams, [[https://cdn.2009scape.org/wiki/lib/exe/detail.php?id=activities%3Atreasure_trails&media=activities:ttrails:coord:14_54n-09_13e.png|Clue scroll Treasure]] | {{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_ajr.png?200x200 }} | | **A J S** |Penguin Island | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_ajs.png?200x200 }} | | **A K Q** |Kandarin: Piscatoris Hunter|Eagles' Peak, Falconer, Fishing Colony, [[activities:penguin_hide_and_seek|Penguin Hide & Seek]], [[activities:shooting_stars|Shooting Star]]|{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_akq.png?200x200 }}| | **A K S** |Feldip Hills| [[quest_guides:big_chompy_bird_hunting|Big Chompy bird hunting Quest]], Ogress city:[[area_guides:oo_glog| Oo'glog]], Chinchompa's spawn (Hunter), [[https://cdn.2009scape.org/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?cache=&media=activities:penguin_locations:feldiphills.png|Penguins: Hide & Seek location]]|{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_aks.png?200x200 }} | | **A L R** |Abyssal Area | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_alr.png?200x200 }} | | **A L Q** | Morytania Haunted Woods | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:frs_alq.png?200x200 }} | | **A L S** |McGrubor's Wood | [[https://cdn.2009scape.org/wiki/lib/exe/fetch.php?cache=&media=activities:penguin_locations:mcgruborswood.png|Penguins: Hide & Seek location]] |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_als.png?200x200 }} | | **B I P** |Morytania Island | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_bip.png?200x200 }} | | **B I Q** |Kalphite Lair | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_biq.png?200x200 }} | | **B I S** |Ardougne Zoo Unicorns | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_bis.png?200x200 }} | | **B K P** |Castle Wars | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_bkp.png?200x200 }} | | **B K Q** |Enchanted Valley | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_bkq.png?200x200 }} | | **B K R** |Mort Myre Swamp | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_bkr.png?200x200 }} | | **B L P** |TzHaar Area | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_blp.png?200x200 }} | | **B L R** |Legends Guild | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_blr.png?200x200 }} | | **C I P** | Islands: Miscellania | Miscellania Music Track, Fremennik Achievement Diary |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_cip.png?200x200 }}| | **C I Q** |Yanille | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_ciq.png?200x200 }} | | **C J R** |Sinclair West | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_cjr.png?200x200 }} | | **C K P** |Cosmic Entity's Plane | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_soon.png?200x200 }} | | **C K R** |Karamja Hunter | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_ckr.png?200x200 }} | | **C K S** |Canafis | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_cks.png?200x200 }} | | **C K S** |Near Canifis | a little closer than the previous one |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_cks.png?200x200 }} | | **C L S** |Jungle Spiders |[[activities:ttrails:coord:01_35s-07_28e.png|Clue scroll Treasure]] |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_cls.png?200x200 }} | | **D I S** |Wizards Tower | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_dis.png?200x200 }} | | **D J P** |Tower of Life | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_djp.png?200x200 }} | | **D J R** |Sinclair North West | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_djr.png?200x200 }} | | **D K P** |East Karamja | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_dkp.png?200x200 }} | | **D K R** |Edgeville/GE | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_dkr.png?200x200 }} | | **D K S** |Kandarin: Snowy Hunter Area| Rock Crabs, [[quest_guides:fremennik_trials|Fremmenik Trials Quest]], Entrance to Keldagrim|{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_dks.png?200x200 }}| | **D L Q** |Desert Lizard | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_dlq.png?200x200 }} | | **D L R** |Poison Wastes | |{{misc_guides:fairy_rings:fr_dlr.png?200x200 }} | ---- ;#; [[:start|{{ wiki:back_button.png }}]] ;#;