The work you did in the Death Plateau Quest has resulted in even more issues popping up in Burthorpe! Now some citizens have gone missing and are rumored to be held in the dreaded Troll Stronghold said to exist far in the mountains to the north. Do you have what it takes to defeat the dangers of the mountains and rescue them?
====== Requiremets ======
* Completed [[quest_guides:death_plateau| Death Plateau quest]].
* **15** Agility Level
* **43** Prayer and **30** Thieving Level might be useful
* Able to defeat a Troll (**Level-113**).
* **Climbing Boots** (May be obtained for 12 gp during quest)
* Food (Recommended for combat)
* Armour and weapons for combat
* Games Necklace
* A Prayer Restore Potion or 2 may be advisable for lower combat level players.
===== Ratings =====
* **Difficulty:** Beginner.
* **Length:** Short.
===== Reward =====
* 1 Quest Points
* **2** x antique lamp (**10,000** xp each)