The world of Gielinor is host to many an odd and eccentric character, yet deep in the hills between the River Salve and
the fence that leads to more hospitable places there lives one who has a strange profession...to collect bones.
Can you help this would-be archaeologist in his task to replace some bones in his collection?
====== Requirements ======
==== Required Items ====
* {{quest_guides:item_icons:954.png}} - **Rope**
* {{quest_guides:item_icons:590.png}} - **Tinderbox**
* {{quest_guides:item_icons:jug_of_vinegar.png}} - **8** x Jug of Vinegar
* {{quest_guides:item_icons:lit_candle.png}} - Light Source (Candle, Bullseye Lantern)
* {{quest_guides:item_icons:1511.png}} - **8** x Logs
* {{quest_guides:item_icons:1931.png}} - **8** x Empty pot
* {{quest_guides:item_icons:coins.png}} - **10** x Coins.
===== Ratings =====
* **Difficulty:** Beginner.
* **Length:** Short.
===== Reward =====
* **2** Quest Points
* **500** Cooking XP
* **500** Prayer XP
===== Tips & Useful items =====
* Teleport or other transport methods to
* Ardougne
* Camelot
* Falador
* Lumbridge
* Varrock
* Digsite pendant((May require Digsite Quest completion, Crafting Level of 40 and Magic Level of 49 to produce (this item is untradeable) at time of release. The item is an enchanted (1 cosmic rune, 5 fire runes) Ruby necklace made from a cut Ruby and a gold bar used with a necklace mould. ))
* Amulet of Glory (charged)
* **Combat levels or means to kill**: Goblins, Bears, Big Frog, Ram, Unicorn, Monkey, Giant Rat, Giant Bat