{{achievement_guides:lumbridge:lumbridge_achievement_logo.png?464}} ======= Requirements ======= ==== Beginner ==== * **Skills**: none * **Items**: pickaxe, bucket of water, 10gp (if Prince Ali Rescue quest is not completed). * **Quests**: [[quest_guides:prince_ali_rescue|Prince Ali Rescue]] (//optional//), [[quest_guides:the_restless_ghost|The Restless Ghost]]. ==== Easy ==== * **Skills**: 15 Mining, 25 Fishing, 30 Smithing, 5 Runecrafting, defend Zombies level 13. * **Items**: 1gp, needle, thread, pickaxe, fishing rod, bait, 4 coal, axe, tinderbox, rune essence, water talisman/tiara. * **Quests**: [[quest_guides:the_restless_ghost|The Restless Ghost]], [[quest_guides:rune_mysteries|Rune Mysteries]]. ==== Medium ==== * **Skills**: 36 Smithing, 31 Magic, 30 Mining, 30 Woodcutting, 30 Firemaking, 40 Cooking, 30 Fishing, 16 Crafting. * **Items**: hammer, law rune, 3 air rune, earth rune, raw lobster, fly fishing rod, 10-20 feathers, holy mold, 2 steel bars, silver bar. * **Quests**: [[quest_guides:dragon_slayer|Dragon Slayer]]. ======= Tasks ======= ==== Beginner ==== * **Task**: Climb to the highest point in Lumbridge * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Climb the stairs to the top floor of Lumbridge Castle and then climb the ladder to the roof bank. * **Task**: Raise the flag on the roof of the Lumbridge bank. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Climb the stairs to the top floor of Lumbridge Castle and then climb the ladder to the roof bank. Click on the flag there. * **Task**: Speak to Horacio, the Duke of Lumbridge. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Climb the stairs to the first floor of Lumbridge Castle and talk to Duke Horaco it is located in one of the rooms. * **Task**: Speak with the doomsayer about the warning system. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Talk to the Doomslayer in front of the Lumbridge Castle gate about the System warnings. * **Task**: Find out about the Stronghold of Security from the Lumbridge Guide. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Talk to the Lumbridge Guide outside the Lumbridge Castle walls. ask him about Stronghold of Security, he will give you a Security Book. * **Task**: Browse the Lumbridge general store. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go to the General Store, you will find it in the northern part of Lumbridge. talk to Shopkeeper (salesperson) ask him what he has for sale. * **Task**: Visit Fred the Farmer's chicken end sheep farm. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go to Fred's chicken and sheep farm house and talk to him. You'll find her in the north parts of Lumbridge. * **Task**: Mine some clay in the Mining sport, north of the Champion's Guild. * **Required**: Pickaxe * **Guide**: Take the pickaxe and go to the mine south of Varrock, near the Champions Guild and mine one clay. * **Task**: Make some soft clay in Barbarian Village. * **Required**: bucket, clay * **Guide**: Take a bucket or Jug (you can buy it at any General Store), fill it with water and go to Barbarian Village west of Varrock. Combine the clay (you should have from the previous task) with the bucket of water you will get soft clay. * **Task**: Make a pot on the potter's wheel in Barbarian Village. * **Required**: Soft Clay * **Guide**: Use soft clay (you should have from the previous quest) on the potter's wheel in Barbarian Village iform an (unfired) pot. * **Task**: Fire e pot on the pottery oven of the potter's house in Barbarian Village. * **Required**: Unfired Pot * **Guide**: Bake the Unfired Pot (you should have it from the previous quest) in the furnace in Barbarian Village. * **Task**: Enter the court of Draynor Mansion. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: go through the Draynor Manor gate to the garden (The mansion is north of Draynor village). * **Task**: Grind some flour in the Lumbridge Mill. * **Required**: Pot (should be from previous quest) * **Guide**: Go to the grain field south of Lumbridge, pluck some and go to the mill nearby next to the field. Climb the ladder to the top floor of the mill and throw the grain into the container, then pull use the lever on the other side of the container (near the wall). Then go downstairs and grab it some flour which is in a large container in a pot (pot). After all, you should get a sweat of fluoride. * **Task**: Visit Draynor Village market. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go to Draynor Village and enter the Market area (opposite the bank). * **Task**: Find out about the rules of Condos from the town crier in Draynor. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go to the market square in Draynor (located next to the bank) and talk to Town Cier about the Rules of conduct. * **Task**: Climb the top of the Wizard's Tower. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go to Wizzards' Tower south of Draynor, the easiest way to get there is by road next to the bank in Draynor. After reaching it, go up the stairs to its top floor. * **Task**: Mine some copper in the Mining sport to the south-east of Lumbridge Swamp. * **Required**: pickaxe * **Guide**: Go through the graveyard next to Lumbridge church and follow the road until you come to the mine right next to it Fishing Tutor. Dig one copper ore in it. * **Task**: Have the Fishing Tutor send you on an errand. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go through the graveyard next to the church in Lumbridge and follow the road until you reach the Fishing Tutor. Over there take a small fishing net from the ground and catch schrimps in the fishery, when you catch it, talk to him and take work from him (job). * **Task**: Look through Father Aereck's selection of gravestones. * **Required**: The Restless Ghost * **Guide**: Go to the church in the south part of Lumbridge and talk to Father Aereck, ask him to show you the gravestones. If you want to buy some and you have enoughmoney, just click on the monument. * **Task**: Play in the organ in the Lumbridge church. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go to the church located in the southern part of Lumbridge and click on the organ. * **Task**: Ring the bell in the Lumbridge church. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go to the church located in the southern part of Lumbridge and climb the ladder to the second floor, and then up the second ladder to the belfry, click on the bell there. * **Task**: Pass through the AL Kharid toll gate. * **Required**: 10gp (if you have completed the Prince Ali Rescue quest you don't have to) * **Guide**: Take the road across the stone bridge opposite Lumbridge Castle and go through the gate to Al Kharid for 10gp unless you have completed the Prince Ali Rescue quest then you go through gate for free. ==== Easy ==== * **Task**: Obtain a cow hide from e cow in the field north-east of Lumbridge. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Cross the stone bridge in front of Lumbridge Castle and turn north until you reach farms, there kill the Cow and take the cowhide. * **Task**: Have Ellis tan your cow hide to make soft leather at his shop in AL Kharid. * **Required**: 1gp * **Guide**: Take the road across the stone bridge opposite Lumbridge Castle and through the gate to Al Kharid, take the road south until you reach Ellis' Store. Ellis will make you a soft leather for 1gp. * **Task**: Craft a pair of soft leather gloves. * **Required**: 5gp, needle, thread, soft leather * **Crafting**: East of Ellis' shop there is a Crafting Store where you can buy a needle and thread (thread). Then sew gloves using the soft leather needle you should have with previous sentence. * **Task**: Mine some iron ore from the Al Kharid Mining spot. * **Required**: 15 mining lvl, pickaxe * **Guide**: Take the pickaxe and go north from the buildings in AL Kharid when you reach the iron ore mine (two will come in handy later). * **Task**: Catch a pike in the river to the east of Lumbridge Castle. * **Required**: 25 fishing lvl, fishing rod, bait * **Guide**: Take fishing rod and bait. Cross the stone bridge to the other side of the river in Lumbridge and fish in the hunting ground opposite the house inhabited by pike goblins. * **Task**: Smelt a steel bar in the Lumbridge furnace. * **Required**: smithing lvl 30, iron ore, two coal * **Guide**: Take iron ore and two coal (should be from previous quests, if not you can get them in mines in the Al Kharid Desert. Go to the furnace opposite the General Store in Lumbridge and smelt the steel bar (proposes to make two steel bars, they will be needed later). * **Task**: Search the shed in Lumbridge Swamp. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Find Shed in the middle of Lumbridge Swamp, south of Lumbridge. If you find it, go in building. * **Task**: Kill a giant rat in Lumbridge Swamp. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go to the Shed in the middle of Lumbridge Swamp, kill one giant rat and get raw meat. * **Task**: Cut down a dead tree in Lumbridge Swamp. * **Required**: axe * **Guide**: Cut down one dead tree next to the Shed (in the center of Lumbridge Swamp). * **Task**: Light a campfire using standard logs in Lumbridge Swamp. * **Required**: tinerbox, log (from previous task) * **Guide**: Light a bonfire near the Shed in the middle of Lumbridge Wamp (to light a bonfire use on tinerbox normal log ). * **Task**: Cook some rat meat on a campfire in Lumbridge Swamp. * **Required**: rat meat, tinerbox, log (should be from previous tasks) * **Guide**: Fry rat meat on the bonfire at Shed in Lumbridge Swamp (use raw rat meat on fire if burn it, fry another until it succeeds). * **Task**: Craft a water rune at the Water Altar. * **Required**: 5 runecrafting lvl, 1 rune essence, water talisman (or water tiara) * **Guide**: Take 1 rune essense and water talisman or water tiara, find water altar I in Lumbridge Swamp enter it (if you have a talisman, use it on the altar, and if you have a tiara, just click on it). After teleport use rune essence on the altar and make a water rune. * **Task**: Get a replacement amulet of ghostspeak from Father Urhney. * **Requires**: The Restless Ghost * **Guide**: Go to Father Urhney's cottage in the western part of Lumbridge Swamp and talk to him about Ghostspeak Amulet, after a short conversation you should receive it, if it didn't happen check if it's already there you have (if so, throw it away). * **Task**: Taunt the lesser demon al the top of Wizard's Tower. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go to Wizzard's Tower south of Draynor and climb to its top floor stairs. Annoy the Lesser Demon who is locked in a cage (click on the cage). * **Task**: Have Sedridor teleport you to the Essence Mine. * **Required**: Rune Mysteries quest * **Guide**: Go to Wizzard's Tower south of Draynor and go down the ladder to the cellars, there, in the first room on the left, there is a Sedridor. Right click on Sedridor and select the teleport option. * **Task**: Access the bank in Draynor Village. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Go to the bank in Draynor Village and talk to one of the bankers. * **Task**: Ask the Wise Old Man to check your bank for unnecessary quest-related items. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Enter the building opposite the bank in Draynor Village and talk to Wise Old Man. ask him to check if you have unnecessary quest-related items in the bank. * **Task**: Discover what the Wise Old Man is watching through his telescope. * **Required**: nothing * **Guide**: Enter the building opposite the bank in Draynor Village, then climb the ladder to the upper floor, click on telescope to see what Wise Old Man is viewing through it. * **Task**: Defeat a zombie in the sewers under the jailhouse * **Required**: Combat * **Guide**: Go to the Jail east of the bank in Draynor, go underground (exclamation mark on the map) and kill one Zombie, combo lvl 13. ==== Medium ==== * **Task**: Smith a steel longsword on the anvil the jailhouse sewers. * **Required**:36 smiting level, hammer, 2 steel bar * **Guide**: Take a hammer and two steel bars. Go to the Jail east of the bank in Draynor, go down to the basement (exclamation mark on the map), and find the anvil at the very end of the corridor. Use steel bar on anvil and forge steel longsword. * **Task**: Use the Teleport to Lumbridge spell (//not the Home Teleport spell//). * **Required**: 31 magic lvl, 1 law rune, 3 air rune, 1 earth rune * **Guide**: Take 1 law rune, 3 air rune, 1 earth rune and teleport to Lumbridge * **Task**: Mine some coal in the Mining sport south-west of Lumbridge Swamp. * **Required**: 30 mining lvl, pickaxe * **Guide**: Take the pickaxe and go through the graveyard next to Lumbridge church, following the shore you will reach mine, bypass it and go to the second mine to the west. Once you find it, dig up coal ore. * **Task**: Cut a Willow tree, east of Lumbridge Caste. * **Required**: 30 woodcutting lvl, axe * **Guide**: Take the ax and go in front of the castle walls with Lumbridge, cut down the willow tree there (it grows by the bridge). * **Task**: Light a willow log fire in Lumbridge Caste courtyard. * **Required**: lvl 30 firemaking, willow log, tinerbox * **Guide**: Take the willow log (you should have the previous quest) and go to Lumbridge Castle grounds. When you get there, climb to the top floor of one of the towers between the castle gate and light a fire there. * **Task**: Cook a lobster on the range in Lumbridge Caste kitchen. * **Required**: 40 cooking lvl, raw lobster * **Guide**: Take a raw lobster and fry it in the kitchen of Lumbridge Castle. * **Task**: Try to obtain an anti-dragonbreath shield from Duke Horacio. * **Requires**: Dragon Slayer * **Guide**: Go to Lumbridge Castle and climb the stairs to the first floor, in one of the rooms there is Duke Horaco. If you have an anti-dragonbreath shield in the bank or on you, throw it away and ask Duke Horaco to give it to you. * **Task**: Mine some silver ore from the Mining sport north of Al Kharid. * **Required**: 20 mining lvl, pickaxe * **Guide**: Take a pickaxe and go to the mines in the northern part of Al Kharid, find a silver rock there and dig one silver ore. * **Task**: Catch a Solmon in the river to the east of Lumbridge Caste. * **Required**: 30 fishing lvl, fly fishing rod, feathers * **Guide**: Take the fly fishing rod and feathers, go to the fishery on the other side of the river in Lumbridge (next to the cottage inhabited by goblins), and catch salmon. * **Task**: Smelt e Silver bar in the Lumbridge furnace. * **Required**: smithing lvl 20, silver ore * **Guide**: Take silver ore and go to the furnace opposite the General Store in Lumbridge, smelt a silver bar there. * **Task**: Craft a holy symbol in the Lumbridge furnace. * **Required**: 16 crafting lvl, silver bar, holy mold * **Guide**: Take the silver bar and the holy mold, go to the furnace opposite the General Store in Lumbridge and smelt it saradomir symbol with silver bar. * **Task**: Take a ride on gnomecopter * **Required**: - * **Guide**: The copters are east of Draynor Manor, north of Lumbridge windmill. There is a bank and general store icon on the map in the enclosed areas with the copters. ======= Rewards ======= ==== Beginner ==== You will receive rewards from **Explore Jack**. he is located near general store in Lumbridge. * A lamp that gives 500 exp to any skill you choose. (**you need at least 30 level**) * Explorer's ring (1) * **Stats**: +1 magic attack; +1 prayer bonus **Features**: * Restore Run Energy - restores 50% of energy per day. ---- ==== Easy ==== You will collect the rewards from **Bob**. Bob is in the lower part of Lumbridge (his house is marked green star). * A lamp that gives 1000 exp to any skill you choose. (**you need at least 30 level**) * Explorer's ring 2 * **Stats**: +1 magic attack; +1 prayer bonus **Features**: * Cast Low Alchemy - allows you to use the low alchemy spell without runes 30 times a day, * Restore Run Energy - restores 50% of energy twice a day. ---- ==== Medium ==== You will collect the rewards from **Ned**. Ned is in a small house in front of a bank in Draynor (his house is marked with a green star). * A lamp that gives 1500 exp to any skill you choose. (**at least 35+ lvl is required**) * Explorer's ring 3 * **Stats**: +1 magic attack; +1 prayer bonus **Features**: * Cast Low Alchemy - allows you to use the low alchemy spell without runes 30 times a day, * Restore Run Energy - restores 50% of energy three times a day, * Teleport to Cabbage patch - teleports us to the cabbage field north of Port Sarim ---- ;#; [[activities:activity_guides|Back to activity guides]] ;#; ;#; [[:start|Back to main page]] ;#;