You can upgrade your **grave** by speaking to him and paying a small amount. Upgrade increases the time to collect items after your death. Purchase is one-time only. You can find him in church, opposite lumbridge castle. {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:grave_seller.png }} {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:gravestones_title.png }} ;#; All available graves are below, along with the time you get to retrieve your belongings as part of your purchase. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:default_grave.png }} ;#; **Default grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **2 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **free**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:small_grave.png }} ;#; **Small grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **2 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **500 gold coins**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:ornate_grave.png }} ;#; **Ornate grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration time: **3 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **5,000 gold coins**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:stele_grave.png }} ;#; **Stele grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **4 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **50,000 gold coins**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:font_of_life_grave.png }} ;#; **Front of life grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **4 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **50,000 gold coins**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:symbol_of_cheap_sale_grave.png }} ;#; **Symbol of Guthix grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **4 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **50,000 gold coins**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:symbol_of_saradomin_grave.png }} ;#; **Symbol of Saradomin grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **4 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **50,000 gold coins**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:symbol_of_zamorak.png }} ;#; **Symbol of Zamorak grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **4 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **50,000 gold coins**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:symbol_of_bandos_grave.png }} ;#; **Symbol of Bandos grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **4 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **50,000 gold coins**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:ancient_symbol_grave.png }} ;#; **Ancient Symbol grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **4 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **50,000 gold coins**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:symbol_of_armadyl_grave.png }} ;#; **Symbol of Armadyl grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **4 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **50,000 gold coins**. ;#; ---- {{ area_guides:lumbridge:npc_shops:father_aereck:angel_of_death.png }} ;#; **Angel of Death grave**. ;#; ;#; Duration: **5 Minutes**. ;#; ;#; Cost: **500,000 gold coins**. ;#; ---- ;#; A person who has a 70 prayer level, can bless your grave, and as part of that you get extra minutes to run to get your stuff. ;#; ---- ;#; [[:area_guides:lumbridge|Back to Lumbridge area guide]] ;#; ;#; [[:area_guides:| Back to Area guide]] ;#; ;#; [[:misc_guides:| Back to Misc guides]] ;#; ;#; [[:start|Back to Main page]] ;#;